Community living opportunities offer person-centered residential supports in small group homes for six or fewer people in typical neighborhoods.
Individualized support and care, in your own home or your family home.
Day services are individually tailored to help people engage fully and meaningfully whether this is a job, work, leisure, community life or retirement.
We support people throughout the lifespan. Some people we support are high school age and other people are in their nineties.
Many of the people we support have challenging behaviors. Our staff are trained specifically to support people who may have difficult behaviors and they work closely with agency behaviorists to develop and implement support plans based on individual needs. We have a full-time Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) to ensure successful behavioral outcomes.
In-home supports are based on your needs and choices. Some people want help managing a household, some people want support to develop skills and other people want help with personal care.
People who are referred for group home placement must be enrolled in the comprehensive waiver program through Connecticut’s Department of Developmental Services (DDS). You can contact us if you have any questions.